Reliable Remote Monitoring and Reporting Solutions for Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) and Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO)

With the increasing concerns of regulatory compliance, budget constraints, and extreme weather events, reliable remote monitoring and reporting solutions are essential for municipalities dealing with combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs).

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How Smartrek Help Prevent Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) and Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) in your Water and Wasterwater Systems?

Smartrek Technologies’ remote monitoring and reporting solutions provide real-time data on system flow, rainfall, and wet weather conditions, allowing for proactive management and decision-making. With the ability to accurately measure and report overflow duration and quantity for individual events, municipalities can ensure compliance with regulations and make informed infrastructure improvements.

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Our Turnkey Solutions

Smartrek ultrasonic

Ultrasonic A-Link

The Smartrek Ultrasonic A-Link is a real-time level monitoring node that accurately detects water levels and analyzes flow patterns. Its ultrasonic sensor is highly precise, capable of detecting even the slightest distances. A valuable tool for various applications requiring precise level monitoring.

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Rain gauge

Rain Gauge A-Link

In the context of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) and Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO), our rain gauge can be used to help monitor and predict when overflows may occur due to heavy rainfall.

By measuring the amount of precipitation that falls during a given timeframe, the environment agency and operators can better understand when stormwater runoff may overwhelm the capacity of the combined sewer system or sanitary sewer system, leading to overflows of raw sewage into waterways.

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Web Application

Web App or SCADA Integration

The user-friendly interface and customizable reporting features of Smartrek Technologies’ solutions make it easy for operators to access and analyze data, track trends, and generate reports for regulatory agencies. This simplifies compliance requirements and allows for better planning and asset management strategies to optimize system performance and reduce the likelihood of overflow events.

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Manhole Monitoring

What is a CSO/SSO and how do you deal with overflow using Smartrek!

Smartrek’s Atrax solution provides improved infrastructure monitoring to help detect and quickly react to any overflows and high-level situations. This is achieved using an ultrasonic sensor that provides detailed information such as water level, flow rate, and volume.

In addition, to minimize environmental impacts and comply with governmental standards, Smartrek utilizes its cutting-edge wireless communication protocol, SpiderMesh. This technology enables municipalities to create private, battery-powered networks with minimal maintenance and offer excellent reliability, robustness, and comprehensive security.

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