ATRAX monitoring
Our Atrax monitoring system is dedicated to helping others realize the promise of the IoT revolution. As such, we provide a monitoring system equipped with our SpiderMesh mesh network technology. Coupled with various sensors, the monitoring system can be used for different purposes and in multiple environments, from water management to agricultural monitoring (mining, air quality, smart city, etc.). The Atrax monitoring system is a complete solution that includes all the elements necessary to set up a Spidermesh mesh network, including sensors, repeaters, and management software.

Understanding the monitoring of IoT devices
Thanks to the monitoring of IoT devices, businesses can gain actionable insights to ensure all systems function properly. Furthermore, companies can scale significantly while being aware of the performance of their equipment and while carrying out preventive and predictive maintenance of their systems with the promise of the IoT revolution.
Quick and easy Atrax monitoring system
In a matter of minutes, you can embrace the promise of the revolution and ease the burden of data collection, detect and prevent failures, and improve management efficiency and productivity. Our solutions are secure, scalable, and permanent.
Indeed, our Smartrek Monitoring System is tailored for the deployment of WSN (Wireless Sensors Network), whether for simple or complex sites. Furthermore, it is designed to consider the end user’s experience.
We, therefore, offer a remote device management solution that integrates seamlessly into any environment to optimize your facilities and always keep a watchful eye on them.
The Smartrek monitoring system has multiple sensors connected via a one-step installation procedure. Data can then be consulted using the Android application provided or remotely from the Web 3.0 application if the system is configured to send information to the Cloud.
Gather big data
Get real-time data as fast as every 2 seconds.
Setup Alarms
Upload to the Cloud

Features :
The turnkey monitoring system is provided with both an Android App and a Web App to manage/control your system:
- Native Android app/web app
- Analytical tools such as charts/history
- Real-time readings and data-logging
- Sound/speech/e-mail/SMS alarms
- Intranet network messaging
- Equipment control
- Custom automation

Easy automation :
Automate easily using the visual block programming integrated to our App. Trigger an equipment when another sensor has reached the desired threshold:
- Customized automation
- Block programming/JsCustom automation