VM Operations

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UserCall Functions

The virtual machine compiler interacts with native code through UserCall functions, which use the following syntax:

$ufX(Y, param1, param2, param3, …)

where, X is the function number fn#, and Y is the ALIAS#. Alias names are also available for more readable code.

Internal Buffer

Most VM operations access the internal byte-aligned general-purpose buffer. This buffer, referred to as the buffer in this document, can be used for multi-byte operations, in which case the index will refer to the index to the first byte of the data.

Operations Summary

Here are available VM functions.

Click on the + button to expand a row. For more information on a specific VM function, click on More to go the API documentation page of that function.

Math functions

Some of the above functions are mathematical operations.

One variable math functions:

  • Math1VarExt_F32(r, rIn, funcID)
  • Math1Var_F32(r, funcID)

Two variables math functions:

  • Math2Var_F32(r1, r2, funcID)
  • Math2Var_I32(r1, r2, funcID)
  • Math2Var_I64(r1, r2, funcID)

The following math operations identified by funcId can be used with the VM math functions above.

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