Why Monitor Indoor Air Quality?
Indoor Air Quality has a major impact on the health and well-being of people. Good air quality reduces fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and chronic respiratory illness. It also increases cognitive functions and overall productivity.
If we think about it, we spend a tremendous amount of our lifetime in crowded indoor spaces. From 8h to 16h, five days a week, we sit at our school or office desk trying to make the most out of our day. Since we’re spending our lives there, it only makes sense to make sure that the environment is healthy.
Unfortunately, keeping the air that you’re breathing clean isn’t that easy since air quality is invisible.
Enter CO2 sensors.
CO2 is exhaled by us and is quickly mixed with the surrounding air. It can reach harmful levels with poor ventilation. Additionally, CO2 is co-exhaled with aerosols containing pathogens and/or SARS-CoV-2 by COVID-19-infected people. Therefore, CO2 is a tracer gas that can warn us against high levels of contaminants resulting from poor ventilation

Prevent Closure
Be on the safe side and monitor CO2 levels to prevent outbreaks.
Studies from the University of Colorado found out that the risks of COVID transmission increase threefold as the CO2 levels in an indoor setting jump from 800 to 1 600 ppm.
Therefore, mass monitoring of indoor air quality, and more specifically of CO2, is used as an infection risk indicator for different indoor environments nowadays. Here’s why.
With CO2 meters, we can measure the CO2 levels differential between foul air and fresh air coming in from outside. This indicates how well our building is ventilated (i.e. how well it’s expelling airborne pathogens out).
Introducing Smartrek’s IAQ Monitoring Solution
Looking for a turnkey solution? Smartrek’s IAQ Monitoring Solution has it all. It uses SpiderMesh wireless technology to connect your sensors seamlessly. It then reports back measurements from your sensors into an intuitive dashboard packed with features.
Here are some of them:
- Provided with a user-friendly dashboard that is accessible from your computer or your phone.
- Escalating alarms can be easily configured so that building managers can quickly act upon a high CO2 level detection.
- Keep track of historical data. Easily create charts to analyze and compare data.
- Automatically compare indoor air to the fresh air intake to get a better picture of the air quality. Monitor daily min, max, and average.
Don’t just take us at our word, We’re trusted by school boards.
Over 30,000+ IAQ sensors are currently being rolled out in more than 1400 Canadian schools.

The Sensor
Smartrek’s IAQ Sensor combines the latest technologies on the market.
1 – The Air Quality Sensor is equipped with a Temperature, a Humidity and a CO2 sensor.
2 – A 2.6 inches E-ink display makes it easy to read even in direct sunlight.
3 – Uses a next-generation NDIR CO2 sensor. The sensor features an auto-calibration algorithm for improved accuracy compared to other sensors on the market.
4 – Guaranteed reception no matter the building layout with the scalable long-range SpiderMesh wireless technology, a Smartrek innovation.
5 – Uses 6x AA size Alkaline batteries for up to 3 years autonomy.
6 – Install the wall plate. Then, clip the body of the sensor on and lock it in place with anti-theft screws.
The Outdoor Sensor
Complete your air quality monitoring project with our outdoor sensor.
Get the real picture by monitoring CO2 levels outdoors too. Our software can then automatically calculate the CO2 level differentials. You can then set alarms and choose to act upon a high carbon dioxide level detection or upon a high differential measurement.

Deploy in a matter of minutes
We’ve focused on the ease of installation and we’ve managed to cut it down to only a few simple steps.
Unbox the IAQ sensors and install the batteries.
Use the provided drill jig to install the wall anchors. Then screw the wall plate in place.
Clip the body of the sensor on the wall plate and secure it with the anti-theft screws.
Power up the Gateway and connect your computer to its wifi network to configure the internet and account connection.
That’s it!
Key benefits
Improve Well-Being
Good air quality improves cognitive functions and productivity.
Prevent Outbreaks
Assess airborne disease transmission risk from key indicators and act upon them to prevent outbreaks and closures.
Optimize Energy
Ventilation is key, but it comes with huge operation costs and spending to heat and cool down the environment.
Flexible & Scalable
Self-healing and self-forming network with reliability and guaranteed QoS no matter the building(s) layout(s)
Install in 3 minutes
Sensors self-form a mesh network, making their installation a breeze and requires no tech-knowledge.
Improve Ventilation
Monitoring CO2 levels is the best way to know if the ventilation is adequate while not over doing it.
Expand your sensor network
Already have a network in place? Then explore our large selection of sensors. We specialize in industrial monitoring and control and offer 30+ Atrax sensor types. You can monitor temperature, pressure, flow, pH, soil tension, 4-20mA sensors, etc.